Oct. 28, 2004 - macerroneous - latin for macaroni? or my feelings on a brand of computer?

thanks to diaryland's handy dandy little stats tracker, i can view how people get to this page. here is a list of yahoo/google/msn searches that folks have made within the last two weeks that brought them here:

dick lovin midgets
picture of her sleeping
nipple slip while drinking
victoria sylvstead playmate of the year
capn crunch treats
fuck christ
enlongated nipple
spread ass cheeks wide story
dumb and dumber dear gas man
motherfucking burt reynolds
emo haircut
sept11 conspiracy
infected snatch
peeing in her butt
fuck mouth
horny butt sex
www.butt fuck
morning coffee piss
butt fucking boys
funky butt lovin
big butt bitches
gary busey
TeraNova Standardized Test

i guess what confuses me is that if you are a lonely human being or a 14 year old boy and you're looking for pictures of a dood peeing in a girl's butt, when you see this as a msn search result:

did he say funky butt-lovin?
2002-05-06 - i'm not scared of death...it's dying i got a problem with. greatest song in the world for right now: they might be giants - "the spawning of the cage and aquarium" holy fishnet stockings, batman! ... over to her house and wakin her up at like 4 in ... i flopped down on her bed and about fifteen ... a man was caught peeing in the pool by ...

do you really think, based on that discription, this page is going to provide you with the glorious spank material you are so desperately seeking? why would you click on it? i mean, i'll take readers however i can get them. don't get me wrong. hey that gives me an idea. to get people to come to this page, i just have to show up on the proper search engines. this should help:

rectal exam pics - barbara bush naked - sex with dogs - sex with horses - sex with gophers - sex with vaccums - martha stewart prison rape - gigantic elephant boners - trapped in a smelly elevator - why is there semen all over my face? - nuts on your chin - oops! turtles can't fly! - pics of unclaimed umbrellas in church lost and found - mice in space - soft supple innocent boys - naked girls with gardening sheers - mouthfull of paul - suckle upon my nutsack if you please - how did this big black cock get in my ass? - bunnies

rad. time to watch the hits roll in.

since i posted this entry, two very interesting events took place.
1.) five different people at five different times used the word "debacle" in casual conversation with me. this made my day totally radical, dude!
2.) a homosexual cowboy who was missing his two front teeth made a proposal of a sexual nature to me. mind-blowing.

what the fuck was that? - what the fuck is that?

baby, don't fuck with icicles... - Sept. 21, 2005
cookies and soy milk just don't cut it - Mar. 30, 2005
i don't need to pay for dumbass "pre-stressed" jeans - i have a cat - Mar. 07, 2005
"sausage mcmuffin" is a very good name for a band - Dec. 06, 2004
get fucked. - Nov. 23, 2004