Oct. 04, 2004 - jesus fucking christ, marijuana is retarded.

a comprehensive list of the whack-ass shit marijuana and marijuana culture has produced in my life:
1.) pink floyd
2.) jim bruher
3.) the word "hella"
4.) baggy bondage pants
5.) george w. bush's presidency
6.) the kid that sits next to me in com 120
7.) x-treme radio
8.) soul plane
9.) me getting my face smashed in by gangstas when i was seventeen
10.) random meetings with dumbasses who make a reference to the implied use of marijuana in an old cartoon (e.g. smurfs, scooby-doo) and honestly think they are the first person to ever think of this and also that it is funny
11.) ace of base (i assume)
12.) diminishing quality of pringles
13.) chris tucker
14.) cancer
15.) AIDS
16.) the emotion "sadness"
17.) tornadoes

now to be fair, here is a list of things positive that marijuana has produced:
1.) mitch hedburg
2.) jack in the box being open 24 hrs
3.) kevin smith
4.) tornadoes

as you can see, this one is a no-brainer. marijuana is fucking dumb. if you smoke it - fine. just do me a favor: don't write a screenplay, don't start a band, don't print a t-shirt, don't leave your house, and don't fucking talk to me you retarded-ass burn-out neo-hippy fuck.

in other news, i drank fresca this morning for the first time in years and it kicked ass! fresca rules!

directly after posting this i went to my spanish class and my professor came up to me and said "and over here is trent the lonely sailor." and i laughed in a confused manner. then he said "have you ever thought of becoming a sailor?" and i said "i almost got sucked into one of those alaskan fishing boat scams once but that's about it" and he said "i think you'd make a great sailor" and i said "you know, that's the nicest thing anyone's said to me in a long time" and he said "i'm sorry, i don't know why i said that. you just look like you should be a sailor. i didn't mean to offend you." and i said "i wouldn't know how to be offended by that." and then the girl next to me told this 5 minute long story about how her dad did that alaskan fishing boat stuff and he made five grand in two months and then my professor said "i'm sorry i brought it up" and then i drank my coffee.
salt water runs through these veins, i tell you what.

what the fuck was that? - what the fuck is that?

baby, don't fuck with icicles... - Sept. 21, 2005
cookies and soy milk just don't cut it - Mar. 30, 2005
i don't need to pay for dumbass "pre-stressed" jeans - i have a cat - Mar. 07, 2005
"sausage mcmuffin" is a very good name for a band - Dec. 06, 2004
get fucked. - Nov. 23, 2004