2002-04-08 - fuckery abounds

rats, dood.

yea so i'm back in reno now and whaddaya know...it still sucks charlie sheen's crab infested sack.

yea, so two nights before i left, harry and i had been drinkin all day and making sculptures with shit in the store and by our 3rd pints we started feeling a little destructive. so we decided to have a good old fashioned two man breaking stuff party. we got a bunch of old records and threw them at the walls and laughed with girlish glee as they shattered into many peices. then we got the idea to run outside and smash our now empty bottles against the brick wall. so we did. then we decided to roll around in the grass cuz the sprinklers were on. what i didn't take into account however is that we had just seconds before smashed two newcastle pints against the wall and the shards had fallen into the grass. so i began doing summersaults in the grass when i felt a little tiny burning sensation on my hand. i looked at it and it was completely covered in blood.
"hey harry!" i said with pride. "check this out!"
harry, who by the way is jehova's witness, said "jesus christ!"
i started laughing hysterically because of the stupidity of the consequences and walked inside, blood spurting from the palm of my hand in tiny streams with every beat of my heart.
i tried the bathroom so perhaps i could clean my wound but adrian was taking a dump. i yelled through the door "hey adrian, i'm bleeding like a stuck pig!" he responded "cool." 5 minutes later when he walked out of the bathroom i was standing in a small pool of blood still laughing. adrian looked at me and said "holy fucking shit, dood!" and i said "hahaha..yea i know. how rad is this?" he didn't think it was too rad at all. i thought that to be odd. i stood with my hand under the faucet for about 20 minutes until the bleeding subsided a bit and due to the tremendous blood loss i became extremely light headed. harry and i agreed the best way to solve this was to get me another beer.
it is beginning to heal somewhat and when i spread my palm out and the gash opens you can see the muscle and white tissue way down in there which is pretty rad on many levels. rachel took care of me and cleaned me up and of course kicked my ass for being such a retard. god i love that girl.

rock the parcel.

uh huh.


what the fuck was that? - what the fuck is that?

baby, don't fuck with icicles... - Sept. 21, 2005
cookies and soy milk just don't cut it - Mar. 30, 2005
i don't need to pay for dumbass "pre-stressed" jeans - i have a cat - Mar. 07, 2005
"sausage mcmuffin" is a very good name for a band - Dec. 06, 2004
get fucked. - Nov. 23, 2004