2002-03-11 - this just in: mothers and fuckers unite!

uh.......wait.......oh yea that's right.

so evidently on the oh so gripping drama depicting (and capitalizing on) the horrific events of september 11th on CBS last night, the fireman screamed the word(s) "motherfucker" on network television and it remained unsencored. ask me how i feel about this. i said ask me, bitch. that's right, i think it rules. yet it's kinda one of those metephorical double-edged swords. something so radical and groundbreaking like getting to say "motherfucker" on network television, yet it was on a program that as far as i am concerned for all intensive purposes should spend eternity writhing in the firey pits of hell along with anyone who had anything to do with the production of it. except of course for the guy who at the board meeting said "hey...wouldn't it be cool if he said 'motherfucker' in it somewhere?" that guy gets to forever walk a road paved with hotpockets to his posh golden digs and sleep like a baby on a bed made of breasts. kudos to that guy.

mike savage of the savage nation needs to die and quick. i just realized this probably makes little or no sense to the majority of you considering i'm the only dumbass that sucks enough to listen to a.m. talk radio all day long. fuck.

haha...oh yea...so a couple of days ago i was in peacock's class and we were critiquing eachothers peices. the assingment was to basically rip off this one picture from our book and make our own picture using the style of large thick black lines intersecting to form images. so this one kid did a picture that was so obviously a woman with atrociously large bosoms and when peacock was asking people what they thought of it everyone said it looked neat and they liked the curves and nobody mentioned anything so i said "it's a naked chick" and everyone looked at me and i said "dood seriously look at it...it's a nekkid ass chick" and a couple people laughed and a lot of the girls gave me that look of "ugh" and i said "dood, how can you not see this...look at those giant breasts! how could that be anything other than a nekkid chick?!?!" and peacock asked the dood that did it and he just laughed and didn't say anything and i was like "come on man! don't make me look like the dirty git! you drew it! back me up here!" and he just kept laughing and i was like "arg! dood! can nobody else see this? are we looking at the same picture? this ain't some ink blot test, this could not by any stretch of the imagination be anything other than a big-breasted naked girlie!!!" cuz for the love of god there were even red dots indicating nipples and the girl next to me said "you fucking pervert" and i was like "i ain't no perv! you look at that shit and tell me what you see! them's some big ass titties!!!" and she said "you are such a weirdo" and i was like "what the fuck?" and after class the kid told me it was a naked chick and i told him to make a public statement clearing my name. however this episode did lead me to conduct a small experiment. see, i have that class the same day that i have my sculpture class so i'm always dressed in my sculpture clothes which consist of goofy grey cutoff stained raver pants and a bright orange "cub" shirt. these are both by that time covered in plaster and other sculpture related filth. also, i rarely shower or shave on those days cuz i know i'm gonna get filthy anyway so why bother. so by the time i get to peacock's class with all those attractive condescending girlies, i look like a homeless guy and oddly, none of them talk to me or acknowledge my presence. in fact, at least one of them (a 22 year old girl with 4 children i might add) can jump pretty quick to the conclusion that i'm some kind of immature pervert for being able to see what an abstract drawing is actually of. so today, i brought a change of clothes. i will be wearing my tight ramones-style jeans, a grey turtle-neck, my clean chuck taylors, and i shaved this morning. we'll see who talks to me and what opinions of mine are valid today. what a group of slug fuckers.

rock the parcel.

uh huh.


what the fuck was that? - what the fuck is that?

baby, don't fuck with icicles... - Sept. 21, 2005
cookies and soy milk just don't cut it - Mar. 30, 2005
i don't need to pay for dumbass "pre-stressed" jeans - i have a cat - Mar. 07, 2005
"sausage mcmuffin" is a very good name for a band - Dec. 06, 2004
get fucked. - Nov. 23, 2004