2002-03-12 - ...and the parcel is rocked.


yea, so in honor of the 6 month anniversery of september 11th, let's take a break from the normal parcel rocking and insulting adjective stringing to get serious for a moment.

the headline on today's paper is "america remembers."

i find this interesting on many a level. america remembers. how could we have forgotten? this national tradgedy has been shoved down our eye sockets and ear canals non-fucking-stop for the past six months. i remember hearing on the news the "one week anniversery" the "one month anniversery" the "3 month anniversery" and with each one another root cannal of sob stories and "where were you when you heard the news?" investigative on the street reporting. people got over the assasination of kennedy faster than this. it is ri-goddamned-diculous and i have had more than enough. don't get me wrong. that shit sucked. alright? dead people = bad. but what the fuck do these people want me to do?

and it should be known i am no conspiracy theorist...not in the least...but if anyone out there hasn't seen the movie "wag the dog" i suggest you do so right fucking now.

4 days ago, for the first time since "doods got blowed up day", president bush's approval rating dropped below 80%. and what happened exactly one day after that? uh oh...we discovered there is an american soldier who's plane was shot down during the gulf war...the fucking GULF WAR...who is still alive and behind enemy lines in kuwait. so what are we doin? oh that's right...we're gonna storm the fuck in there on a patriotic adreneline rush to "bring our boy back home" and perhaps...oh i don't know...bomb the fuck out of that place too...if there's enough time between the raping and other assorted inhuman atrocities against "enemy" civilians.

so kids, for your homework assignment tonite, go rent "wag the dog", take notes if you feel so inclined, and spend at least 10 minutes sitting in a room with no t.v. or radio or internet thinking about anything non-america/sept11/boohoohoo related cuz that's the only way with today's media you are going to escape, if even for 10 measley minutes, this propagandic masturbated rehashing of the capitolist wet dream called terrorism-inspired-temporary-patriotism.

rock the parcel.

uh huh.


what the fuck was that? - what the fuck is that?

baby, don't fuck with icicles... - Sept. 21, 2005
cookies and soy milk just don't cut it - Mar. 30, 2005
i don't need to pay for dumbass "pre-stressed" jeans - i have a cat - Mar. 07, 2005
"sausage mcmuffin" is a very good name for a band - Dec. 06, 2004
get fucked. - Nov. 23, 2004