2002-03-05 - humor = non-patriotic

pow. biff. bang. zoom.

yea so thee six string samurais did in fact rock some parcels this weekend. however, we may have inadvertantly stepped on some proverbial toes and/or offended folk. which is good...yet gay at the same time seeing as how offensivisnicity was not the objective.

see, as an instrumental band, we have a lot of leeway as far as titles of songage goes so we try to make that as interesting as possible. past titles have been as follows:
*dropping the soap in the prison shower of life
*the epic tale of a young boy growing up in northern minnesota and the trials and/or tribulations he faces on his seemingly never-ending journey to adulthood
*new years eve 1999 was spent shooting nerf darts at the t.v.
*i love you so much that thing on your neck doesn't make me puke hardly ever anymore: a love song
*woof woof homie
*johnny depp is a sexy bitch
*i think hitler had some pretty good ideas and also i love you
*angie's favorite number is 337 and we think that's pretty gay
*the guy from sony records told us we will never go anywhere in the music industry without signing our lives over to him and we've been crying ourselves to sleep ever since
*'goldfish don't bounce' is very very bad music
*overzealous drunk michigan fan
*believe it or not gary busse and nick nolte are not the same person
*get up off deez nutz, bitches
...and a score of others i can't remember right now. i'll ask nick.
anyjew, we introduced a new song called
"the best kamikaze pilots never made it past training"
which we thought was incredibly humorous. however, in our zestful exuberance of humorous song naming, we did not take into account the humor-crippling events of september 11th. whatever. anyway, nobody laughed apparently paying homage to those who so valently got blowed up. the good doctor who never speaks at our shows (we have kind of a penn and teller thing) looked at everyone and said "it was a JOKE" and then there were some confused faces and a couple people started chuckling softly but the rest remained stoic. whatever. next time i'll remember to name a song "god bless our totally wonderful country and if i may, please picture a majestic eagle with a single tear running down it's cheek in front of the american flag for effect." psh.

rock the american parcel.

uh huh u.s.a.

word to the firefighters.

what the fuck was that? - what the fuck is that?

baby, don't fuck with icicles... - Sept. 21, 2005
cookies and soy milk just don't cut it - Mar. 30, 2005
i don't need to pay for dumbass "pre-stressed" jeans - i have a cat - Mar. 07, 2005
"sausage mcmuffin" is a very good name for a band - Dec. 06, 2004
get fucked. - Nov. 23, 2004