2002-04-19 - if it wasn't for dementia, i wouldn't have any mentia.

ok. wal-mart rules. it rules even though it sucks way bad. odd, eh? yes, i thought so as well. here's the dilly-o yo.

wal-mart is a disgusting corporation that moves into small towns and offers products at much lower prices and higher quality thereby putting the "mom and pop" shops completely out of business and, as a further kick in the teeth, leave said proprietors of shops to seek employment at the very store that put theirs out of business. once one is hired by wal-mart, it is next to impossible to gain any sort of status upgrade, especially if yer old. so these people, once starry-eyed american dream following entrepeneurs, now put yellow happy face stickers on kids' snot covered power rangers in space action figures until the day they keel over and die from an infection caused by a small cut on the lower left soul by a shard of broken dream.

on the other hand, wal-mart fucking rules. when i'm bored at 3 in the morning i can always go to wal-mart and walk around and play with totally rad stuff and buy bomb diggity old movies for like four bucks and oh yes it also rocks. this is my problem.

sunday! sunday! sunday! it's the all out bloodbath grudge match of the century! morals vs convinience! steel cage! only one will be left standing! nitro burning funny cars and big titty nympho bitches in nurse outfits! sunday! sunday! sunday!

*sigh of disdain*

ugh. yea, so a little news from the peacock front. i just realized i haven't touched on the peacock subject in quite some time. which i find odd for humor has definitly been abound. huh. weird. anyway, so i did this picture of three manatees floating through space wearing fezz and racing numbers and in front of them is the space pig holding the checkered flag. oh shit, i bet i never wrote about the space pig. shit, man. well, the space pig cannot be explained. perhaps tonite i will scan the original space pig picture in and put it up. but we've gotten off the subject now. yea..um...ok right. so i did this picture and the class is critiquing it and for some reason everyone seems to really like it including peacock and they're all giving me praise and it's nice change from people calling me a fucking weirdo/bum/et al. so then we start looking at this other doods picture and it's totally crazy-sexy-cool (TLC referrence..whoo!) and powerful and kind of violent and everyone is saying nice things about it and then peacock asks me what i think of it and i said "the more i look at this picture, the more i want to beat up my grandma." that was it. it was all over. there was this violent upheaval from the majority of the class as they called me a dickhead and "what kind of low-life would say that?!?!" and dear god it was insane! i looked over to this one dood that seems to have a similar sense of humor as me and was like "what the fuck?" and he was just laughing and i was laughing so hard as well but nobody else thought it was funny and i was really scared i was gonna get lynched in the parking lot. gay.

oh yea i forgot. the good doctor and/or myself are currently working on a six string samurais page where you can go and hear mp3s of us and the like so...um...yup.

rock the parcel.

uh huh.


what the fuck was that? - what the fuck is that?

baby, don't fuck with icicles... - Sept. 21, 2005
cookies and soy milk just don't cut it - Mar. 30, 2005
i don't need to pay for dumbass "pre-stressed" jeans - i have a cat - Mar. 07, 2005
"sausage mcmuffin" is a very good name for a band - Dec. 06, 2004
get fucked. - Nov. 23, 2004