2002-09-24 - despite all the good that princess leia did for the rebel allience and the galaxy, she stlll made out with her brother and for that she will always be an incestuous whore in my book

ok. a year or back there was this girl named jackie. jackie was a very very black girl with a quasi-gangsta thing going on. the good docotor decided for some reason or another that he totally dug her. he started bringing her around to hang out with us or whatever and she constantly had a look on her face that said "these people are fucking freaks of nature, yo". thus, we all frequently laughed at the dr. for his seemingly futile attempts to hit her shit. then one day i recieved a call. it was the dr. and, yes my friends, he had conquered her roast beef sandwich. much like neil armstrong upon reaching the moon, he had planted the flag of goofy gangly white boys in her nubian vulva, symbolizing the end of our eternal struggle of overcoming the ethnic boundries of copulation brought on by our prviously mentioned goofiness, gangliness, and white-boy-ness. it was a good day.

although there was much rejoicing in the coffee shops and indie record stores of the world, the good doctor would not b satisfied with the mere title of revolutionary. he did us (or her) one better. that's right kids. he made jackie his bootie call. every couple of nights he would call her at 1 in the morning, state he was horny, wait for her to come over, fuck the weave right off her, then roll over and fall asleep to dream sweet dreams of hotpockets an harriet tubman whilst jackie got up and quietly let herself out. to this day i'm still dumbfounded by the whole situation.

what's that? you don't see the humor in this? well my friend, you must keep in mind that thegood doctor was 4 months prior to this a virgin and also he looks like this:

uh huh.

anywho, what made me think of all this is our pal dr. nacho had a dream the other night. in this dream jackie and him got back together and he went to her house to meet her parents who were none other than mr. and mrs. huxtable. yup. so jackie's dad is bill cosby and they leave somewhere and nick fucks jackie in the butt and then he hears mrs. huxtable calling them. they go downstairs and she says "mr. huxtable would like to have a word with you." so nick gets in bill cosby's car and is driving down the street with him and neither of them say anything. then the good doctor turns and says "so what is this all about?" and bill cosby turns to him and says "i think you know, son. it' about you fucking my daughter in the ass." then he woke up very confused.

lucifer help me but i just don't think it gets cooler than having a sex dream with a special guest appearance by bill cosby.

rock the parcel.

uh huh.


what the fuck was that? - what the fuck is that?

baby, don't fuck with icicles... - Sept. 21, 2005
cookies and soy milk just don't cut it - Mar. 30, 2005
i don't need to pay for dumbass "pre-stressed" jeans - i have a cat - Mar. 07, 2005
"sausage mcmuffin" is a very good name for a band - Dec. 06, 2004
get fucked. - Nov. 23, 2004