2002-03-25 - macaroni not acrimony

i got this email from the good doctor today:


what's that? thee six string samurais need to be rocking, although the general populace may not, in fact, be able to contain themselves if we do, like it is 1999 here in the near future, rocking their worthless parcels to yugoslavia and back thrice? yah, i know. you may be asking yerself "why, the good doctor, do you feel that we must do the aforementioned?" to this i say you are stoopid and yer questions much the same. suck my dick you gary busce hatin piece o' trailer trash. and also shut yer neck, trashcan. yah, i just stole that from rachel's roomate. so what? wat-oh...hey, remember that time you took a picture of me making some dumb face and giving the thumbs up and we were deciding where to put it in the apartment and i was all like "hey, dood. all kinds of humorousnicity would be abound and/or teeming if we were to put the picture on the inside of the toilet seat so that when doods were standing there taking a leak, they'd have to look at me giving them the thumbs up"? and i was just kidding but you put it there anyways and then we found that thing that said "your penis is small" or something along those lines and we put that on my picture so it looked like i was telling them that their pen-is was all kinds of small and sometimes people couldn't even go to the bathroom cuz they were freaked the fuck out by it and it was funny but even i didn't like the fact that i had to look at that picture of myself telling me i had a small pen-is whilst taking a leak. good times.
the good doctor signing off

a few responses to this: 1.) thyne god is named "gary busey" not "gary busce", 2.) "shut yer fuckin neck, trashcan" was said TO rachel's roommate BY rachel instead of the other way around, 3.) yes i do in fact remember that little picture. in fact i believe it looked a little somethin like this...

click to unleash glory!!!

hahaha...that was so on my toilet.

rock the parcel.

uh huh.


what the fuck was that? - what the fuck is that?

baby, don't fuck with icicles... - Sept. 21, 2005
cookies and soy milk just don't cut it - Mar. 30, 2005
i don't need to pay for dumbass "pre-stressed" jeans - i have a cat - Mar. 07, 2005
"sausage mcmuffin" is a very good name for a band - Dec. 06, 2004
get fucked. - Nov. 23, 2004