2002-03-19 - who are these "ped"s and why are they "x-ing"???

yea so i was at the doctors office yesterday (not THEE doctor...but just some doctor...you know...like a real doctor) and there were like 30 gajillion people in the waiting room and there was this weird woman in a wheelchair and the dood that was toting her around in said wheelchair pointed her directly at me and so she just sat there staring at me with her jaw slacked and it really started to freak me the mother fuck out so i went outside to sit and wait for them to call my name and so i was just sitting on this bench drinking a diet coke and reading my book and this old vietnamese homless guy walked up to the trash can next to me and was rootin through it and then he turned to me and said "don't get drunk!" and i can only assume he was talkin about the diet coke so i said "don't worry, i gotta drive" and he said "that was a joke" and i said "yup" and he said "that was a joke" and i said "yup" and he laughed and i sniffed and he said "that was a joke" and i said "yup" and then he put an empty gatorade bottle in his bag and he laughed and i coughed and he said "that was a joke" and i said "yup" and he laughed some more and said "you got the right idea...that's the place to be...in the shade..." and quite frankly i would have rather been in the sun cuz it was fucking freezing out but i said "yup, i got a handle on the situation" and he laughed and started to walk away and said "well partner, i just wanna wish you a happy new year" and i said "it's march" and he said "yup...happy new year buddy" and i said "you too" and he went away.

happy new year, everybody.

rock the parcel.

uh huh.


oh yea, and for your enjoyment, here is a picture of me in a coconut bra with a pompador and eyeliner:

what the fuck was that? - what the fuck is that?

baby, don't fuck with icicles... - Sept. 21, 2005
cookies and soy milk just don't cut it - Mar. 30, 2005
i don't need to pay for dumbass "pre-stressed" jeans - i have a cat - Mar. 07, 2005
"sausage mcmuffin" is a very good name for a band - Dec. 06, 2004
get fucked. - Nov. 23, 2004