2002-02-14 - tastes more like regular ebola

fuck fuckity fuck fuck

anyjew, i thought i would put up a letter dr. nick wrote to me (because it is humorous) and the letter i wrote back to him (for the fuck of it) because i really don't feel like doing anything else. so here they are.

Nick Mapes wrote:

toast(er strudel),

what is up, my nigerian brother? oops. i used the "n" word. my mishap, yo. anyjew, get icq on yer puter at work so as we can converse with one another whilst at work via this crazy thing called the internet. can't get aol im to work. boohoo. i think i'll go cry myself to sleep on my huuuuuuge pillow. aroo? err...this makes li'l, if any, sense at all. i am bored. been sitting reading newsweek(tm). by the way, if i were to die, you could have my hot pockets(tm). only you would appreciate them enough. wow. this electronic mail is getting dumber/gayer/pointless with each stroke on my keyboard. heh. stroke. oooooooooooo. not funny. whatever, dooder. i remember when i was in the sixth grade, i had a friend named dana that was a guy, and he insisted that he was in a gang and everyone in it was black except for him of course and that they called him ghost. i thought it was pretty fucking funny. still do today. i can't believe i remember that. you see that shit b-face wrote on yer webpage? could he be anymore of a heterosexually-challenged human being? i mean, for cereals, dogg (as poonjabber would so eloquently say). me thinks i may get a car this weekend what with it being my birthday and all. perhaps i'll get the pt cruiser. that should be comical. this is what i have heard atleast. not definite. but a possibility. vatever. ve shall see. i found a pretty rad record store near where i live (somewhat). got a decent selection and decent prices, which i found to be quitie astonishing, the decent prices moreso than the decent selection. i wanted to buy the drunken cholos(tm), but i didn't. think it was eight american dollars. not bad. better than balcony lights. goddamn this electronic mail is getting way too long for it's own damn good. i saw bernie mac on the original kings o' comedy, and i guess he was actually funny. there's just something funnier when a black man says "mawfukker." why? you are dumb and yer questions much the same. so fuck off, slug fucker.

dr nick signing off


reverend toast wrote:

dr. "babytooth" nick,

haha...the levels of humorisnicity revolving like so many moons around the giant gaseous planet that is composed of hydrogen, carbon, helium, and you driving a pt cruiser are enough to make me soil my draws and not clean it up just so i could show people and they would be impressed especially the girlies cuz they would say "it takes a man with a strong personality to crap his pants and be proud of it...i like to have sex with men with stong personalities...for example...toast...whom i will now have sex with...cuzza the whole strong personality thing...which he has by the way." uh huh. la fache is a sad sad human being. brianface would be totally the most emo guy in existance, but emo guys get lots of chicks, which brianface doesn't. so he's just...i dunno...em. minus the o ("ohhh") which is the orgasmic vocalization of girlies. he's more like "em-i'llsuckyourdickforacheeseburger". yea...i gotta go to the courthouse now. i'll try to get icq on here. oh yea, try yahoo messenger on that computer. i haf zee yachoo unt zees compooter as well. el rite.

soup dooder comma pea

osama bin toaster

by the way, i really love brianface.

rock the parcel.

uh huh.


what the fuck was that? - what the fuck is that?

baby, don't fuck with icicles... - Sept. 21, 2005
cookies and soy milk just don't cut it - Mar. 30, 2005
i don't need to pay for dumbass "pre-stressed" jeans - i have a cat - Mar. 07, 2005
"sausage mcmuffin" is a very good name for a band - Dec. 06, 2004
get fucked. - Nov. 23, 2004