2002-02-19 - manonam

um...oh yea.

i don't know if you've ever seen $532.87 worth of poinsettias in a 94 honda accord but i have and let me tell you something, it's a mind-boggling experience.

do you have any idea how ridiculously hard it is to find one simple B-52's t-shirt? there is no possible way you do.

i would just like to bring up an issue that has been bothering me for a while. am i the only one that has noticed that when president bush was first elected he was a walking joke and everybody made fun of him for being a coke sniffing forrest gumpish troglodite riding the golen coattail of his father's pollitical fame and after some of our buildings got blown up he's all of the sudden some sort of military and peacekeeping genius? somehow i don't think i am.

one time dr. nick said "well no reason yer ass can't come get me and we'll fuck shit up over the weekend. by "fuck shit up," i of course mean go to denny's(tm) and sit there for hours on end, not talk to totally cute/cool girls, and watch soft-core hbo erotica. no one "fucks shit up" quite like us." and i chuckled.

about a month back i lived on a farm for a week or two and there were these wild cats that hung around and they were cute as hell and i asked the lady who owned the farm if they had names and she said "no" so i named the little one "www.kitty.com" (or just "dubbya" for short) and the bigger one "dr. butrous butrous kitty" and i told the lady and she thought those were odd names but she had been thinking of naming them "orangie" and "pete" so she decided to keep my names instead and damn straight cuz ain't no kitty gonna be walkin around no farm named "orangie" less someone wants a deck of candyland(TM) cards up their nose.

reverend toast says: perfect tetris does not a perfect man make.

final thought: if you're ever at a black tie gala/wine and cheese tasting in honor of tony bennett and you happen to see a brown box under the ice sculpture marked "fragile: hitler's brain" and you open it up but it's only an narcaleptic albino leprechaun, i say take it anyway cuz it may not be hitler's brain, but hey...that's still some pretty rad shit.

rock the parcel.

uh huh.


what the fuck was that? - what the fuck is that?

baby, don't fuck with icicles... - Sept. 21, 2005
cookies and soy milk just don't cut it - Mar. 30, 2005
i don't need to pay for dumbass "pre-stressed" jeans - i have a cat - Mar. 07, 2005
"sausage mcmuffin" is a very good name for a band - Dec. 06, 2004
get fucked. - Nov. 23, 2004